
Small class sizes
From beginner to advanced - It's up to you 

You decide what you want to make of your workout - It's your workout !


We will spin for 30 minutes to fun and uplifting music, followed by 10 minutes of stretching/yoga. This class is like going for a Joy Ride ! 

Stretch - E

We will stretch for 25 minutes and finish with 5 minutes of deep relaxation (savasanah) - Yoga style


High Intensity Interval Training will alternate between several seconds of higher intensity movements followed by short periods of rest. The class is 20 to 30 minutes with a few minutes of stretching. 


This class blends the mind/body awareness of yoga with muscle toning movements. We will add weights to different yoga poses, which will help build strength, stability and flexibility. We will end the class relaxing with Savasana pose. 

W8s ( weights)

This class is low impact, AMRAP, circuit type training using light weights. Circuit training involves rotating through various exercises targeting different part of the body. You go at your own pace and do as many rounds as possible. 

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